Some flowers for you *_*

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lesson 2:
Growing geraniums: which are actually not geraniums, they are Pelargoniums.
Pelargoniums are tender perennials loving to leisure in warm climates.
They are like roses in that they love full sun, at least 6 hours a day. In Monet's garden Giverny he often planted Roses and  Geraniums together and used them as a ground cover in many vibrant color combinations. The Geranium color palette ranges from white to violet with red perhaps being the most well known.
Geraniums will thank you with abundant blooms if you provide them with a nutrient rich growing medium, ample watering, drying out in between watering, and a feeding of water soluble plant food, 20-20-20 every  2 to 3 weeks.

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